• Carolin Kram

    Photography & Storytelling


My name is Carolin Kram. I’m a media creator and storyteller based in Bünde, Germany. Reading until way after dark, downloading the newest episode of my favorite tv show at night and watching it before school, playing video games until the sun comes up again and meeting up with friends to jump into the skin of our favorite roleplaying characters —  I’ve spent countless hours devouring and telling stories. Now I help others tell theirs.

Some facts about me:

  • I graduated with a Magister (basically a German M. A.) in English, Linguistics and Text Technology from the University of Bielefeld. My time abroad was spent at Trinity College Dublin where I studied English Literature, Linguistics and Computational Linguistics. Yes, I’m a nerd.
  • I joined a local scout troup in the early nineties and never looked back.
  • I’m quite fond of (nature|fountain pens|leather, wood & brass|reading|stationery|role playing games).
  • My pronouns are she/her or they/them – I’m not fussy.
  • My poodle is the boss of me.


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Lina, an adorable rescue dog.

Selkie Anderson

Selkie Anderson

Performer, singer and composer Selkie Anderson of Mystical Wanderers.

Mücke poses

Mücke poses

Rescue dog Mücke showing off.

Carolin Kram

Carolin Kram

self portrait

Run Lina Run

Run Lina Run

Lina, ready for takeoff. 😉

audio system

audio system

Musician Mike Modulacja‘s audio system.

Mike Modulacja

Mike Modulacja

Musician Mike Modulacja of Mystical Wanderers.



Rescue dog Mücke.


“People think that stories are shaped by people. In fact, it’s the other way around.”
— Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad

Stories touch people in ways that pure information, pure facts just can’t. With the rise of internet, the act of sharing information changed, became less personal. Frankly, storytelling is just fancy marketing talk for bringing emotions back to the table because to be honest — people remember stories, not products. So if a mere product photo just doesn’t cut it, why not get a little emotional? Let’s shape this story together.


Like what you see and want to book me? Get in touch!
